Petition: JDF 872SC Petition for Approval of Settlement of Claims can be downloaded here.
Proposed Order: JDF 873SC Order Approving Settlement of Claims can be downloaded here.
The Court also requires supporting exhibits to be filed pursuant to CRCP 62(d)(7):
(7) Exhibits.
A. The petition must list each exhibit filed with the petition.
B. The following exhibits must be attached to the petition:
(i) A written statement by the respondent's physician or other health care provider, if any. The statement must set forth the information required by subsection (d)(4) of this rule and comply with Rule 60 unless otherwise ordered by the court;
(ii) Relevant legal fee agreements, statement of costs and billing records and billing summary; and
(iii) Any proposed settlement agreements and proposed releases.
C. The court may continue, vacate, or place conditions on approval of the proposed settlement in response to petitioner's failure to include such exhibits.
CO ST PROB P Rule 62